Saturday January 25, 2020
Preface and AcknowledgementsIn this book compilation I have put together my book chapter contributions to various editedpublications in order to get the perspectives presented under one set of covers. Taken together,they strengthen the liberal perspective in strategic studies. I have been in my writings that areof shorter length, such as commentaries, opinion pieces and analysis, been a votary of theliberal world view and have tried to make the liberal case when discussing issues in mattersof regional and national security. I have compiled the eight hundred and more such pieces ineight other books. I have also put together my articles and essays published in peer reviewedjournals into a book. This book contains my chapter length works, tackling the same themes Ihave engaged with consistently – nuclear and conventional doctrine; counter insurgency; India-Pakistan equations; Kashmir etc.I recommend these chapters be read alongside my other writings to gain a measure of whyand how the liberal position has advantages for a continental sized country like India and forthe South Asian region of which India is a major part. I trust the student community, academicpeers, fellow former practitioners, and interested readers in India and Pakistan, will find theeffort useful.I thank the editors of various volumes in which these chapters were included for giving me anopportunity to present my views. This shows they were already keen on the point of view findinga place in their edited work, which is to their credit. It is befitting that the Asokan tradition staysalive and well in India, that is otherwise inundated with writings drawing on and inspired by theChanakyan tradition.I would like to thank the team at CinnamonTeal, lead by Queenie Fernandes, for her overseeingthe production into book for my many books with the publishing house.I have dedicated this book to my son. I hope his generation benefits from any good coming outof the book in terms of furthering peace and harmony in India and South Asia.
Preface and Acknowledgements 7Indian Army’s Flagship Doctrines: Need for Strategic Guidance in Harsh Pant (ed.),Doctrine Handbook, Routledge, 2015, ISBN-978-1-138-93960-89Does India think Strategically? Searching Military Doctrines for Answers inHappymon Jacob (ed.), Does India think strategically?, Australia-India Institute,2014, ISBN 935098039826Indian Strategic Culture the Pakistan Dimension in Indian Strategic Culture: ThePakistan dimension in Krishnappa, Bajpai et al. (eds.), India’s Grand Strategy:History, Theory, Cases, Taylor and Francis, 2014, ISBN-978-0-415-73965-850India’s Nuclear Doctrine: Stasis or Dynamism? in Brig. Naeem Salik (ed.)(forthcoming), India’s Habituation With the Bomb - 1998-201871The Nuclear Domain: In Irreverance in Mohammed BadrulAlam, Perspectives OnNuclear Strategy Of India, And Pakistan, Kalpaz Publications, Delhi, India, 2013,ISBN-978817835963293Nuclear Doctrine and Conflict in Krishnappa and Princy George (eds.), India’sGrand Strategy 2020 and Beyond, IDSA, Pentagon Security International, 2012,ISBN-78-81-8274-657-2112AFSPA in Light of Humanitarian Law in Vivek Chadha, Armed Forces SpecialPowers Act: The Debate, IDSA Monograph Series No. 7, 2012, ISBN-978-81-7095-129-1120Countering Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir: Debates in the Indian Army inMaroof Raza (ed.), Confronting Terrorism, New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2009, ISBN-978-0-670-08369-5131Applicability of Sub-Conventional Operations Doctrine to Counterinsurgency inAssam in Bhattacharya, R. and S. Pulipaka (eds.), Perilous Journey : Debates onSecurity and Development in Assam, New Delhi: Manohar, 2011, ISBN-978-81-7304-904-0152UN Peacekeeping Operations: Leveraging India’s Forte in IDSA Task Force, NetSecurity Provider: India’s Out-of-Area Contingency Operations, 2012, ISBN-978-93-82512-00-4173India 2030: With History as Guide in Lele, A. and N. Goswami (eds.), Asia 2030:TheUnfolding Future, New Delhi: Lancer 2011, ISBN-1-935501-22-4180