Saturday June 02, 2012
Infantry Journal
1. Beget the Devil’s Own Platoon, Infantry Journal, 1993.
2. Tips on the Reading Habit, Infantry Journal, 1993.
3. Cohesion: Bibliographical Note, Infantry Journal, 1995.
4. Civil-Military Relations: A Theoretical Perspective, Infantry Journal, 1997.
5. Company Command: A Template, Infantry Journal, 2000.
6. Whither Infantry?, Infantry Journal, 2001
7. Drill Deadens, Infantry Journal, 2002
Combat/War College Journal
1. On the Indian Use of Force: The Critiques Reexamined, Combat Journal, Mar 2000.
2. SAARC – The Strategic Debate in India, Combat Journal, Mar 01
3. Self Esteem: Room for improvement, War College Journal, 2005
4. AOR: The CT Ops Version, War College Journal, 2005
5. An Analysis of Grand Strategy in Operation Barbarossa, War College Journal, Spring 08
Pratividrohi (Anti Terrorism Journal of the Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School)
1. Pseudo Gang Operations, Pratividrohi, 1997
2. Rethinking Human Rights, Pratividrohi, 2000.
3. On Military Leadership in Counter Insurgency Operations, Pratividrohi, 1998.
4. The Army, Media and LIC, Pratividrohi, 2002
5. J&K: The Perspectives Contrasted, Pratividrohi, 2001
6. Peace Enforcement: The direction of the future, Pratividrohi, 2003
7. Offensive air power in J&K; Pratividrohi, Sep 05
8. Peacekeeping and Peaceenforcement, Pratividrohi, 2002
Intelligence Journal (Journal of Military Intelligence School)
1. Society and Military Intelligence: A Sociological Perspective, Intelligence Journal, 1996-97.
2. The Pathology of Info War, Intelligence Journal, 2004
USI Journal (United Services Institution of India)
1. The Fauji Memsahib, USI Journal, 1999.
2. The Doctrinal Challenge, USI Journal, Jan 2000.
3. MONUC, USI Journal, Jan 2004
4. Short Wars: From Desirable to Feasible, USI Journal, Jan 2008
5. In Tribute: A Recall of the Sundarji Doctrine, USI Journal, Apr 08
Pinnacle (Journal of the Army Training Command)
1. The Strategic Community, Pinnacle, Mar 2003
2. Reflection on Military Ethos, Pinnacle, Mar 2003
3. Revolution in Military Affairs: The Sociological Perspective, Pinnacle, Sep 03
4. Reader’s Forum: Short Wars; Dec 07
5. Reader’s Forum: Transformation and the Officer Corps; Spring 08 (under consideration)
1. Recruiting Anecdotes, Maratha Journal, 1992
2. A Professional’s Trekking Experience, Maratha Journal,1990
3. The Trade Secret Unveiled, Infantry Day Supplement, The Statesman, Oct 27, 1999.
4. CAMs and CBMs, Mainstream, July 23, 1994.
5. Style of Command, CDM Journal, 2002
6. Educating Future Army Officers, Educationist, 2002
7. A Brief on Research and Analysis, Educationist, 2008
8. The Command Challenge, Maratha Journal, 08
USI Journal
1. Alexis Heraclitus, Self determination of minorities in International Politics, London, Frank Cass, 1991.
2. Anthony Giddens, The Third Way: A Renewal of Social Democracy, London, Polity Press, 1998.
3. Anthony McGrew, Paul Lewis, Global Politics, Globalisation, and the Nation State, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1992.
4. Avnar Cohen, Israel and the Bomb, New York, Colombia University Press, 1998.
5. Bruce Lawrence, Shattering The Myth: Islam Beyond Violence, New Jersey, Priceton University Press, 1998.
6. Craig Baxter, ed. Government and Politics in South Asia, Boulder, Westview Press, 1987.
7. Ethan Kapstein, Michel Mastanduno, Unipolar Politics: Realism and State Strategies After the Cold War, West Sussex, Colombia University Press, 1999.
8. From Surprise to Reckoning: The Kargil Review Committee Report, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000.
9. Gwyn Prins, Strategy, Force Planning and Diplomatic/Military Operations, London, RIIA, 1998.
10. John Pimlott, Stephen Bayley, ed. The Gulf War Assessed, London, Arms and Armour, 1992.
11. Kedourie, E., Nationalism, Fourth Edition, Oxford, Blackwell, 1961.
12. LawrenceFreedman, Efraim Karsh, The Gulf Conflict 1990-91: Diplomacy and War in the New World Order, London, Faber, 1992.
13. Maroof Raza, Low Intensity Conflict: The New Dimension to India’s Military Commitment, Meerut, Kartikeya Publications, 1995.
14. Marshall Hodgson, Rethinking World History: Essays on Europe, Islam, and World History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
15. Maya Chaddha, Ethnicity, Security, and Separatism in India, New York, Colombia Univeristy Press, 1997.
16. Michel Clark, Simon Seraty, ed. New Thinking and Old Realities: America, Europe and Russia, Washington, Seven Locks, 1991.
17. MK Kaw, Bureaucracy: IAS Unmasked, Delhi, Konark, 1993.
18. Morton Halperin ed. Self Determination in the New World Order, Washington DC, Carneigie Endowment, 1992.
19. Peter Paret, Understanding War: Essays on Clausewitz and the History of Military Power, New Jersey, Princeton, 1992.
20. Stephen Van Evera, Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict, New York, Cornell University Press, 1999.
21. Torbjorn Knutsen, A History of International Relations Theory, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1992.
22. Vivienne Jabri, Discourses on Violence, New York, Manchester University Press, 1996.
23. Sahadevan, P., Conflict and Peace Making in South Asia, New Delhi, Lancers Books, 2001.
24. Philpot, D., Revolutions in Sovereignty: How Modern Ideas Shaped the World, Princeton, 2001
25. Synnott, H., The Causes and Consequences of South Asia’s Nuclear Tests, Adelphi Paper 332, London, OUP, 1999
26. Chari, PR., ed., Security and Governance in South Asia, New Delhi, Manohar, 2001
27. FitzGibbon, S., Not Mentioned in Despatches: The History and Myth of the Battle of Goose Green, Cambridge, Lutterworth Press, 2001
28. Haq, K., The South Asian Challenge, Oxford, OUP, 2002
1. Karnad, B., Nuclear Weapons and Indian Security: The Realist Foundations of Strategy, New Delhi, MacMillan, 2002 - Pinnacle, Mar 03
2. Tellis, A., India’s Emerging Nuclear Posture: Between Recessed Deterrence and Ready Arsenal, New Delhi, OUP, 2001 – Pinnacle, Sep 03
3. Perkovich, G., India’s Nuclear Bomb, New Delhi, OUP, 1999 - Pinnacle, 2004; Trishul, Vol XIII, No 2
4. Stephen Cohen, The Idea of Pakistan; New Delhi, OUP - War College Journal, 2005
5. Maududi, SA, Towards Understanding Islam, New Delhi, Markazi Maktab Islami - Trishul(DSSC Journal), Spring 2005
6. Chadha, V., Low Intensity Conflicts in India: An Analysis, New Delhi, Sage, 2005 - The Infantry (India), 2005
7. Fitzgibbon, S., Not mentioned in dispatches: The History and Mythology of the Battle of Goose Green; Cambridge, Lutterworth Press, 1995; War College Journal - Autumn 2006
8. Raman, S., Nuclear Strategy: The Doctrine of Just War; New Delhi, Manas Publication, 2006 – USI Journal, Apr-Jun 07
9. Singh, Jaswant, A Call to Honour, New Delhi, Rupa & Co, 2006 – Defence Management, Apr 07
10. Musharraf, P., In the Line of Fire; New York, Simon and Shuster, 2006 – The Infantry (India), Autumn 06
11. Bammi, Y., War Against Insurgency and Terrorism in Kashmir; Dehra Dun, Nataraj Publishers, 2007 – Pinnacle Dec 07
12. Chandran, S., Limited War: Revisiting Kargil in the Indo Pak Conflict; Omdoa Research Press, New Delhi, 2005 – War College Journal 2007
13. Malik, SK, Quranic Concept of War; New Delhi, Himalayan Books, 1986 – War College Journal, 2007
14. Rajagopalan, R., Fighting Like a Guerilla: The Indian Army and Counterinsurgency, New Delhi, Routledge, 2007; The Third Frame, Autumn 08 (forthcoming)
Combat/ War College Journal
1. Understanding Violence and Militancy, 1992.
2. The Need for Curricular Innovation, 1999.
3. Information War, 1999.
4. Letter to the Editor on Bharat Karnad article, Autumn 06
5. Dangers of Strategic Determinism, 2001
Infantry Journal
1. Indo Pak War: The Fourth Round in On
2. Pardon, but your Political Slip is Showing, 1999
3. Comment on Book Review of Salman Khursheed’s ‘Beyond Terrorism’, 2003
USI Journal
Need for a military archives, 1995.
CDM Journal (College of Defence Management)
Directive Control: An Advocacy, 2002
Published work over 2006-08
· Short Wars: From Desirable to Feasible, USI Journal, Jan 2008
· In Tribute: A Recall of the Sundarji Doctrine, USI Journal, Apr 08
· An Analysis of Grand Strategy in Operation Barbarossa, War College Journal, Spring 08
· A Brief on Research and Analysis, Educationist, 2008
· The Command Challenge, Maratha Regiment Journal, 08
Book Reviews
· Fitzgibbon, S., Not mentioned in dispatches: The History and Mythology of the Battle of Goose Green; Cambridge, Lutterworth Press, 1995; War College Journal - Autumn 2006
· Raman, S., Nuclear Strategy: The Doctrine of Just War; New Delhi, Manas Publication, 2006 – USI Journal, Apr-Jun 07
· Singh, Jaswant, A Call to Honour, New Delhi, Rupa & Co, 2006 – Defence Management, Apr 07
· Musharraf, P., In the Line of Fire; New York, Simon and Shuster, 2006 – The Infantry (India), Autumn 06
· Bammi, Y., War Against Insurgency and Terrorism in Kashmir; Dehra Dun, Nataraj Publishers, 2007 – Pinnacle Dec 07
· Chandran, S., Limited War: Revisiting Kargil in the Indo Pak Conflict; Omdoa Research Press, New Delhi, 2005 – War College Journal 2007
· Malik, SK, Quranic Concept of War; New Delhi, Himalayan Books, 1986 – War College Journal, 2007
· Rajagopalan, R., Fighting Like a Guerilla: The Indian Army and Counterinsurgency, New Delhi, Routledge, 2007; The Third Frame, Autumn 08